Geocode Locations from Table takes in a file or table of many addresses and returns back either a Feature Service or a file, with the coordinates of the addresses in the output file.
The addresses to convert. This must be a CSV or Microsoft Excel file in the user's My Content.
The table must be a table in the user's My Content.
The locator service must be a service configured for batch geocoding. For more information on configuring locator services for batch geocoding, see: Configuring batch geocoding.
This parameter only appears if the user is using the Esri World Geocoder to perform batch geocoding. If all of the addresses in the input table are from the same country, then the user should select a country to ensure the most accurate results.
Map as many fields in the input table to locator fields as possible to ensure the most accurate results. If the input table has all its data in one column, select "Single Field" on the data fields toggle and map "SingleLine" to the only data field in the input. Otherwise, select "Multiple Fields" and map the appropriate locator fields to the multiple field columns.
Select an output format type. Options are "Feature Service", "CSV" or "XLS" file. Results will appear in My Content when the analysis job is complete.
This is the name of the layer that will be created in My Content and added to the map. The default name is based on the tool name and the input layer name. If the layer already exists, you will be asked to provide another name.
Using the Save result in drop-down box, you can specify the name of a folder in My Content where the result will be saved.